5 Weeks to Awesome Ball Striking

5 Weeks to Awesome Ball Striking

69 Episodes

If you want more pars and more GIRs join me in my 5 Weeks to AWESOME Ball Striking Series. The focus is better ball striking from the fairway. This training is for all skill levels and designed to empower you to be your best coach so you can get more pars. Each week a different focus.

WEEK 1 Beginning July 9 - Prep & Assess
WEEK 2 Beginning July 16 - The Grip
WEEK 3 Beginning July 23 - Swing Plane
WEEK 4 Beginning July 30 - Impact / Release
WEEK 5 Beginning August 6 - Speed
WRAP & NEXT STEPS beginning August 12

During the Series, and to help you practice, I’ll be showcasing the amazing training aids and my new collection of More Pars Training aids. These are optional and the training can be done without them. However, they do make practice more fun… so you’ll actually practice!

Training aids also give you feedback, especially if you are not currently working with a golf professional. It provides a focused purpose when practicing and will greatly expedite your learning.

I also recommend that you get coaching during this 5 week training. Head to the link below to see my remote coach programs. To find a coach locally head to PGA.com


Even without professional coach help, I have designed this 5 Weeks to Awesome Ball Striking for you to be your best coach. This training is for all players of all skill levels.

I am giving you the road map. It’s up to you how much time and effort you want to invest in getting more pars.

You ready? Let’s do this!

5 Weeks to Awesome Ball Striking
  • Welcome to Week 1 - Training Overview

    Episode 1

    If you want more pars and more GIRs join me in my 5 Weeks to AWESOME Ball Striking Series. The focus is better ball striking from the fairway. This training is for all skill levels and designed to empower you to be your best coach so you can get more pars. Each week a different focus.

    WEEK 1 Beg...

  • Week 1 Prep & Assess

    Episode 2

    Let's get your ducks in a row so you can get the most out of your 5 Week Training.

    STEP 1: The first order of business is equipment. Make sure you go to a Club Champion. Mention More Pars with Christina Ricci so they take real good care of you.

    Code: MOREPARS Offer: $100 Full Bag / $50 All ot...

  • WEEK 1 - TPI Assessment Overview

    Episode 3

    It’s time to assess YOU. We’ll do this with the TPI Body Screens.

    Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is the world's leading educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing.

    Since its inception in 2003, TPI has studied thousands of...

  • Week 1 - TPI Body Screens

    Episode 4

    Join the campers as I walk them through the essential TPI body screens.
    Make a note of where you are limited.

  • Week 1 - Glutes & Trail Elbow Assessment

    Episode 5

    Let’s assess your glute activation capability and your trail elbow. These two are critically important to help you deliver the club on plane and with power.

  • Assess & Practice Alignment

    Episode 6

    Let’s assess your alignment. Are ya going where you thing you're going? If not you WILL make some sort of swing compensation during the downswing to try and redirect the ball back on line. This is why it is so important to 1. Assess your alignment. 2. Practice spot-on alignment. Do not take this ...

  • Week 1 - Purpose of Analysis

    Episode 7

    Please note: The Analysis are in each applicable section. It’s important to capture your swings with the tripod that you purchase so you can properly and accurately identify what the heck is going on in your swing. Guessing doesn’t work. I’ll help you identify by showing you detailed analysis of...

  • Week 1- Training Aids (why I’m a big fan)

    Episode 8

    As we progress through the 5 weeks, I’ll be showing you great ways to practice. I love training aids because they give you feedback. They’ll be your coach. Try all the drills so you can identify which ones work best for you!

    GET The Straight Stick NOW » https://aspireiq.go2cloud.org/SH4hl

  • Week 1- Helpful Tips for Drills

    Episode 9

    Hopefully you got the Straight Stick. If not use this link to get yours. It’s awesome. My favorite feature is the pre-molded grips (3). We’ll use it throughout the training. This is completely optional but recommended because it’s fun and will really help you. Especially if you struggle with a co...

  • Week 1- Using the Straight Stick

    Episode 10

    Getting the Straight Stick is completely optional but recommended because it’s fun and will really help you. I share some keys when using it.
    GET The Straight Stick NOW » https://aspireiq.go2cloud.org/SH4hl

  • Week 1- How to Adjust the Straight Stick Grip

    Episode 11

    I show you exactly how to adjust the very cool grip feature of the Straight Stick. Getting the Straight Stick is completely optional but recommended because it’s fun and will really help you.
    GET The Straight Stick NOW » https://aspireiq.go2cloud.org/SH4hl

  • WEEK 2 - Welcome & An Awesome Grip

    Episode 12

    Welcome to week 2 of your 5 Weeks to Awesome Ball Striking. This week is all about the grip. It’s going to be a fun week. You’ll learn thing about the grip that you didn’t know,.

    Let's have some fun using the Straight Stick's grip feature! Go ahead and try all 3 grips. Hit 10-20 balls with each...

  • Grip Size Matters - (Do Your Club’s Grips Fit?)

    Episode 13

    Let’s take a look at the size of your grips to ensure they are the right size for your hands. If your grips are too small or too big, it will affect your ability to hinge and release the club.

  • Week 2 - What’s Your Desired Ball Flight?

    Episode 14

    You’ve got 3 options. Baby Draw. Power Fade. Straight Shot. I recommend for most players a baby draw. It goes the furthest. The grip plays a key role in helping you achieve your desired ball flight.

  • Lead Hand Grip Check

    Episode 15

    Let’s check your lead hand connection to the club. Many players miss an important step which will rob you of value clubhead speed and accuracy with your shots.

  • BIG Grip Myth (hold it like a bird - nope)

    Episode 16

    Were you told to hold the club like a bird (really loose)? I certainly was when I was learning the game. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Learn why you need a firm grip in this video featuring the TPI experts.

  • Week 2 - What’s Your Grip Strength?

    Episode 17

    For 20 bucks get this (https://www.amazon.com/CAMRY-Dynamometer-Strength-Measurement-Capturing/dp/B00A8K4L84)
    It’s a no brainer! You NEED to know your grip strength. The touring pros are in the 60kg ball park. Let’s see what yours is. Let’s set a goal for you to increase your grip by a certain am...

  • Week 2 - Develop Grip Strength

    Episode 18

    Now that you know what your grip strength is, it’s time to strengthen it. I share so good ones in this video and ones to following in this series. Watch them all and do them all (a lot)!

  • Week 2 - Grip Holds & Presses

    Episode 19

    Get a light kettlebell and let’s do so iso-holds and overhead presses to help strengthen the grip. The kettlebell when turned upside down wobbles like crazy. That’s where the magic is. A dumbbell is not as effective. Worth the small investment to get one.

  • Grip Walks for Grip Strength

    Episode 20

    Let’s go for a walk. I am walking with 10lb plates. You can walk with anything heavy to develop grip strength. While you’re walking, film it to examine your gait. What are your feet doing? Check out the world of GOATA: https://goatamovement.com

  • Grip Address Assess Activity

    Episode 21

    So this being Week 2 with a focus on the Grip, let’s go ahead and assess your extension at address using the awesome HACKMOTION and optional Straight Stick’s molded grip feature (links below).

    STEP 1: What is your grip: Weak, Neutral, Strong or Really Strong? This is critically important to kno...

  • Finding Your Grip Pressure

    Episode 22

    Let’s experiment with various grip pressures while hitting balls to determine on a 1-10 scale (10 being a death grip and 1 crazy light) what your number is.

  • Clean Your Grips (Why You Need to )

    Episode 23

    Let’s make your your club’s grips are in good form. I find that many players, let their grips go to shambles with worn out patches, slippery due to oil on the grips. Instead, let’s inspect them and clean them.

  • WEEK 3 - Welcome to Swing Plane & Direction

    Episode 24

    This week is all about getting you on plane and making sure your swing direction is pointed in the right direction during the downswing to achieve your desired ball flight. Posture plays critical role in this effort so we will spend some time grooving this as well. Static at address posture as we...