I share the key points with the release (follow-through) featuring Adam and Jessica. Capture your face-on swing and let’s compare you next to Adam Scott and Jessica Korda. I share the key points and what to look for in your swing with regards to the release.
Up Next in Season 1
Impact & Release Analysis with Camper...
Let’s take a look at a few popular impact and release culprits to help you identify your own culprit. As always, it is recommend to have a golf professional help you identify the true cause of your situation.
Week 4 How Often to Practice
How often should you practice? I get this question a ton. The key is to practice even if 5 minutes everyday. Doesn’t have to be at the range either!
How the Lead Hand Wrist Works
This is a very important video to watch to help you clearly understand how the lead hand twists the club to help square it up. The lead wrist, clubface and body rotation are all pals and need to work together to make the swing work best.