5 Weeks to Awesome Ball Striking

5 Weeks to Awesome Ball Striking

69 Episodes

If you want more pars and more GIRs join me in my 5 Weeks to AWESOME Ball Striking Series. The focus is better ball striking from the fairway. This training is for all skill levels and designed to empower you to be your best coach so you can get more pars. Each week a different focus.

WEEK 1 Beginning July 9 - Prep & Assess
WEEK 2 Beginning July 16 - The Grip
WEEK 3 Beginning July 23 - Swing Plane
WEEK 4 Beginning July 30 - Impact / Release
WEEK 5 Beginning August 6 - Speed
WRAP & NEXT STEPS beginning August 12

During the Series, and to help you practice, I’ll be showcasing the amazing training aids and my new collection of More Pars Training aids. These are optional and the training can be done without them. However, they do make practice more fun… so you’ll actually practice!

Training aids also give you feedback, especially if you are not currently working with a golf professional. It provides a focused purpose when practicing and will greatly expedite your learning.

I also recommend that you get coaching during this 5 week training. Head to the link below to see my remote coach programs. To find a coach locally head to PGA.com


Even without professional coach help, I have designed this 5 Weeks to Awesome Ball Striking for you to be your best coach. This training is for all players of all skill levels.

I am giving you the road map. It’s up to you how much time and effort you want to invest in getting more pars.

You ready? Let’s do this!

5 Weeks to Awesome Ball Striking
  • How the Lead Hand Wrist Works

    Episode 1

    This is a very important video to watch to help you clearly understand how the lead hand twists the club to help square it up. The lead wrist, clubface and body rotation are all pals and need to work together to make the swing work best.

  • Week 4 - Head Back (not down)

    Episode 2

    A huge misconception is "I need to keep my head down”. Oftentimes this leads to incomplete finishes which in turn greatly affect impact and direction. Instead, we want to keep the head back to allow the hands to get ahead. Conversely, if the head gets ahead too early, you’re dead.

  • Get Your Hinge Right

    Episode 3

    Did you know there are two types of hinges in the golf swing? Let’s make sure you have both. One is vertical hinge and the other is horizontal hinge.

  • Week 4- Train Impact at Home

    Episode 4

    This is a great practice session and no ball required. I recommend an Impact Bag. Get Gary Wiren’s Impact Bag. It’s the best. Head here:
    Use code MOREPARS to save 10%

  • How to Keep Your Head Centered

    Episode 5

    Let’s keep your head centered with the help of Karen’s CardioGolf Slope! Learn how to use it at home and at the range.

    Save 10% use code: MOREPARS

  • Week 4 -3 Ways to Train Your Wrists (GSNAP, FlexClick, Wrist Alarm)

    Episode 6

    Here are 3 fun ways to groove better wrist action: Martin’s FlexClick, George Gankas, GSNAP. And WHY GOLF’s Arm Alarm. I love these and use them when I train. You’ll love it too because they give you great feedback and are so easy to use.

    Get the Flex Click. Use Code MOREPARS to save 10%

  • Week 4 -Train Your Wrists with GSNAP and Flex Click

    Episode 7

    Let’s train your trail and lead wrist with the help of Martin’s Flex Click and George Gankas, GSNAP. I love these and use them when I train. You’ll love it too because they give you great feedback and are so easy to use.

    Get the Flex Click. Use Code MOREPARS to save 10%

  • Week 4 - Practice SloMo to Get BIG Results

    Episode 8

    Give your brain time to learn or groove a new move. Practice super sloMp using tees and hitting balls. Many players feel uncomfortable when grooving a new love because it feels awkward and uncomfortable. This is what you should be feeling so embrace that. Stay on the rainbow to get to the pot of ...

  • Week 4 - Detailed FlexClick Tips

    Episode 9

    Let’s train your trail hand hinge with the help of Martin’s FlexClick. I dive a little deeper in this video.

    Get the Flex Click. Use Code MOREPARS to save 10%

  • 3 Ways to Groove Impact (at home)

    Episode 10

    I share 3 fun and measurable ways to practice at home.
    GSNAP and Mo’ Paahhs Ball marker: Head to MissPar.com to get the GSNAP You’ll get a free More Pars Pocket Guide with your order!

    HackMotion head here and use code: moreparsgolf
    5% discount for all three of ou...

  • WEEK 5 - Welcome to Speed

    Episode 11

    Let’s Get More Swing Speed This Week!

    Welcome to Week 5. Woo Hoo! You’re doing awesome. This week ties it all together. Before adding speed, you first need an awesome grip, to be on plane, and to have an awesome impact position. If you add speed to an off-plane swing with poor impact, your ball ...

  • Week 5 - Understanding Deceleration

    Episode 12

    If you want more clubhead speed, you need to be able to decelerate. Putting on the brakes so the next body part …and finally clubhead can whip through at warp speed. This is critically important to understand if you want to increase your clubhead speed. In fact, it’s a huge game changer once you ...

  • Week 5- X-Factor - Assess & How to Get Some

    Episode 13

    What is X-Factor and can you physically do it? We’ll assess you and then give you ways to make it better. It is a tough move for many to isolate their upper from their lower to get more X-stretch.

  • Speed at the Right Spot

    Episode 14

    Where is the max speed of your golf swing? Many players’ max speed is expended during the transition. Instead, the max speed should be just after the ball. This is key to understand and then train it.

  • Week 5 - The Rubberband Effect

    Episode 15

    Grab a rubber band and let’s get your golf swing more like a rubber band. This is a blending of the backswing and downswing to create effortless warp speed power.

  • Where's Your Speed?

    Episode 16

    Let’s groove your follow-through to help you gain 10-, 20- more yards easily. Many players’ follow-through is robbing them of valuable clubhead speed.

  • Week 5 - The Finish Touch

    Episode 17

    Let’s assess and then correct your finish. The finish is a HUGE deal. Many players are under the assumption that “I hit the ball already, why does the finish matter? Well, it does. A ton. Let’s assess yours and then get it up to par

  • Week 5 - Finish Analysis with Adam & Jessica

    Episode 18

    Capture your down the line swing and let’s compare you next to Adam Scott and Jessica Korda, two of the best ball strikers in the world. I share the key points and what to look for in your swing with regards to the finish.

  • Finish Analysis with Campers (popular culprits)

    Episode 19

    Let’s take a look at a few popular finish culprits to help you identify your own culprit. As always, it is recommend to have a golf professional help you identify the true cause of your situation.

  • Week 5 - Take it to the Course Tips + Next Steps

    Episode 20

    Change takes time and lots of patience especially when you head out to play with all your new swing feels. I share some tips to help you take your awesome new skills to the course. Plus, I share suggested next steps!

  • Week 5 - It’s a Wrap!

    Episode 21

    Congratulations. You Did It! You must be getting more pars. Please let me know. It’s important now that you continue to groove it. I like to say. “ Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Change takes time and lots of patience!