

The backswing can be a mystery for many players. The reason is because when the club gets out of sight we lose the awareness of where that club is in space. It becomes much like the Twilight Zone. So in this playlist, let’s dive into what makes a great backswing, so you can stay out of that eery Twilight Zone. So, let’s get to it.

MORE PARS TIP: Get Coach help if you are unclear about this topic or would like a swing review.

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  • You NEED Width (if you want more distance with accuracy)

    If you want more pars, but you really struggle with contact and distance and accuracy then let's go ahead and get you connected. Head to to get my connection band. It's awesome. You can use it for your short game and long game.

  • Your Swing Needs Width

    If you want more pars, head to and get my more pars connection band this is great for players that struggle with bending their arms a little too much throughout the swing. We need width in our Golf Swing to stay on the swing arc and the connection band will help you do just that. So l...

  • Get More Width – not collapsy

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  • Are Your Hands Deep Enough?

    If you want more pars, let's make sure your hands are getting deep enough during the backswing to help you shall the club on the downswing. I share popular culprits why your hands may not be getting deep enough and then cues to help you get them deep enough. So let's get to it.

  • EP. 5 of 13 SWING SERIES: LEAD ARM ELEVATION how to elevate the arms properly

    If you want more pars, join myself and World Long Drive Competitor and awesome Golf Coach, Josh Koch in this in-depth swing series. In this episode, we dive into the YES/NOs and suggested ways to groove your backswing, specifically, how to easily and properly elevate your arms to get that nice ha...

  • Reach Out for Effortless Ball Striking

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  • Backswing Mistake When Loading Lower Body

    Learn how to properly load the trail leg in the backswing. By doing. this correctly, you then can generate lots of force and speed during the downswing.

  • Backswing Mistake that destroy lower backs and swings

    In an effort to keep your eye on the ball you are sacrificing the integrity of your spine and your swing. We need to fix this asap.

  • Short Backswing: Tips for Speed

    Yes, you can still generate distance with a shorter backswing as long as you keep these keys in mind.

  • Hip Rotation Over Done (too much of a good thing)

    In a passionate effort to rotate the hips during the backswing, players forfeit torque and rubberband effect. the result is not pretty. The golf swing is under a second during the downswing, You simply have no time to get into position.

  • Shoulders Limiting Your Swing?

    Let's assess your should mobility to ensure that you can properly set it during the backswing and downswing.

  • Find a Wall (to Find Your Center)

    If you want more pars, but feel like you come off the ball too much during the backswing, then find a wall and let’s groove the backswing.

  • Groove Golf Rotation with Painter's Tape

    If you want more pars, head to the hardware store and get yourself some painters tape. Let's groove your backswing and downswing with the tape and a wall. Let's get to it!

  • Get Loaded Up in Your Backswing

    If you want more pars, join myself and creator Karen Jansen for at home and on the range practice. In this episode, let's get you to load better into your backswing so the downswing is effortless.

  • Rotating Enough in the Backswing?

    If you want more pars but your pals are blowing it by you, then let’s make sure that you are really rotating enough with a focus on the lower body.

  • Are you a Hand Lifter?

    If you want more pars and more distance with accuracy, let’s make sure you are not lifting your hands too early during the takeaway. Keeping your hands low throughout the early part of the swing sets the stage for a successful backswing with width.

  • Groove Your Swing with the Arm Band & Mini-Rod


    Take the guesswork out of your takeaway, backswing and follow-through with the More Pars Arm Band with Mini-Rod. It's unique design prevents cheating, yet it’s comfortable to wear as you practice.

    Use the Arm Band with Mini Rod to:
    • Maintain connecti...

  • Body Pivot Training


    The Limited Edition Autographed More Pars Training Ball takes the guesswork out of your body pivots and important swing keys throughout the swing. All you’ll need is a wall to groove proper hip/butt and hand depth. Improve your wrist motion. Plus, you ...

  • Training Ball with Swing Trainer


    The Limited Edition Autographed More Pars Training Ball takes the guesswork out of your body pivots and important swing keys throughout the swing. All you’ll need is a wall to groove proper hip/butt and hand depth. Improve your wrist motion. Plus, you...

  • A Popular Backswing No-No

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  • STOP! You're Overdoing Your Backswing

    If you want more pars, let's make sure that you are not over doing your backswing and/or adding too much horizontal hinge. Both of which create big hooks, pulls or topped, chunked shots.

  • Hands Low & Wide for a Big Swing Radius!

    If you want more pars and more distance with accuracy, let’s make sure you are keeping your hands low to create a wide swing radius. Keeping your hands low throughout the early part of the swing sets the stage for a successful backswing with lots of width.

  • Week 5 - The Rubberband Effect

    Grab a rubber band and let’s get your golf swing more like a rubber band. This is a blending of the backswing and downswing to create effortless warp speed power.

  • Backswing NO-NO's (let's fix this asap)

    If you want more pars, let’s identify if your High Arm Elevation In Your Backswing is Killin' Your Shots.