Casters & Early Releasers
Are you a caster or early releaser? Both are defined as losing your clubs angles during the downswing, effecting launch, distance and direction. A caster throws the club right from the top (during the transition). An early releaser, releases the club’s angles down near the ball, but a tad too early. We’ll cover popular culprits of why this can happen and how to correct it. So, let’s get to it.
Why You’re Losing Forward Shaft Lean (top culprits examined)
If you want more pars but struggling with thin or fat shots from the fairway, let’s examine the top culprits of why you’re losing forward shaft lean. For solid strikes, your hands need to be leading during the downswing and into impact for the ultimate compression. Hands leading with a square fac...
Misconception Series - Casting
Drills & Practice » On the Tee » Stop Casting & Draw
If you struggle with an over-the-top move, which typically will create a left-to-right ball flight—‘slice’, then try this tee drill to groove a better swing path.
Are You an Early Releaser?
Impact Drill for Better Contact
Chalk Impact Drill
Grab a Gift Tube to Groove Lag
Sergio CopyThis Not Lag
The Lag Secret
Shallow to Get More Lag
Oh-Oh Are You in the Bermuda Triangle?
How the Wrists Work Independently