Chicken Wingers
Are you a chicken winger? This is defined as a bent lead arm through the ball, oftentimes, resulting in pain to that lead arm wrist, forearm or elbow). The chicken wing can greatly effect distance and direction. We’ll cover popular culprits of why this can happen and how to correct it. So, let’s get to it.
Chicken Fix No 2
Chicken Fix No 1
Chicken Gone With This Tip
Drills & Practice » Kill the Chicken
Join me during my practice session as I work on trying to kill the chicken!
Drills & Practice » Kill the Chicken Drills
This was a Miss Par September Quiz Contest! Thanks everyone for playing!
The Question: What is NOT a culprit of the dreaded Chicken Wing?
A. Poor weight transfer
B. Ball was struck then came the divot
C. Poor alignment
D. Lazy back shoulder
E. Poor grip with a splash of tight
F. A down-and-acro... -
We're Not Tiger
Ray shares tips on how to get more clubhead speed for those of us who are not spring chickens or elite athletes.
Release with Karen & Christina
Lead Wrist Cupped or Flat?
Release Quick Tip
Release Not Drag
Release in a Timely Manner
Release - Different Perspective
Release Soon Enough
Rev the Chipping Motorcycle (sort of) Part 2
Rev the Chipping Motorcycle (sort of) Part 1
Release (not drag)
Release in Time (else face the chicken)
When & How to Release
Release Defined
Swing Backwards to Go Forward
Lightning Hands for More Distance & Accuracy
If you want more pars and more GIRs, let's get you striking your irons pure, where you experience that amazing pop off the clubface. I see many players with slow hands, through the hitting zone. Instead, let's get your hands lightning fast with forearm rotation that will replace the dreaded chick...
Are Your Hands Fast Enough?
Isolate the Release of the Forearms