Chip Essentials
If you want more pars, let’s get your chipping up to par with this essentials playlist that covers what you need to know for your set-up and in-motion performance keys. So, let’s get to it.
Are you Selecting a Land Spot?
If you want more pars, but struggle with your short shots around the green often times the ball comes up short or goes way by the pin, then let's make sure you're selecting a land spot. This is a really important step to get the ball really close to the hole for your one putt. So let's get to it.
High or Low (that is the question)
What's Your Dispersion?
Let's Simplify Chips
Excessive Knee Flex?
Misconception Series - Chipping
Don't Horse Around with Your Chipping
Feel the Clubhead
Get Crisp Chips - 3 Options
Goals for Training
More Up & Downs and a tighter dispersion. Learn why this is important.
Misconceptions with Chipping
Are you clear on how the chipping stroke works. Is it just the arms or does the body participate in the party? Let's find out.
Chipping Tempo Out of Whack?
Using my 58 degree, I share key points to smooth out your tempo so you can get it close.
20-40 Yards Chipping Smooth It Out
Chip Trajectory
Chip Land Spot Keys
Chip Baseball Essentials
Chip Intensions (what are yours?)
Should You Hinge for Chipping?
Chip Shaft Lean Options
At Home Practice for Wedges
Chip Like Phil