Which Finish Is You? (and why it matters)
3m 58s
If you want more pars and more distance with accuracy, let’s make sure you are not just an arm swinger. We can assess this by taking a look at your finish.
Up Next in Finish
No Distance or Wayward? (check your ...
If you want more pars but struggle with Slices, Pulls and Hooks, then let’s make sure that you are finishing with a strong lead side. This is key for solid ball striking and tons of power.
Finish Analysis with Campers (popular...
Let’s take a look at a few popular finish culprits to help you identify your own culprit. As always, it is recommend to have a golf professional help you identify the true cause of your situation.
Week 5 - The Finish Touch
Let’s assess and then correct your finish. The finish is a HUGE deal. Many players are under the assumption that “I hit the ball already, why does the finish matter? Well, it does. A ton. Let’s assess yours and then get it up to par