Hang Backer
Are you a hang backer? This is defined as not moving your pressure efficiently to your lead side during the downswing. This can also result in lower back pain and can greatly effect contact, distance and direction. We’ll cover popular culprits of why this can happen and how to correct it. So, let’s get to it.
Driver - Side Bend
Trail Shoulder-Check That Puppy
Trail Hand Only Drill to Help Rotation Through
Feet in Cement?
Wrap the Shoulder for LOTS more distance
Finish Tips
More Distance » Finish
AN OFF-BALANCE FINISH This is a sure way to send your ball wayward and cause some serious back pain. Most
players finish with fancy footwork—completely off-balance. You should be able to watch the ball hit the ground in perfect balance on your finish. -
Fairway Essentials » Finish
Key points for a great finish for better shots
Is this Your Finish? (oh-oh)
If you want more pars, let's make sure that you really-really understand the importance and keys to a successful finish. If not, you'll sacrifice lots-and-lots of distance AND accuracy. So, let's get to it.
Finish Pro Like
Finish Key Checkpoints
Double Check Your Finish
Finish for Real (no really)