Know Your Yardages
Knowing how far you hit each club is paramount for low scores. Many newer players need to be patient until they get their skills to par. Once you do, you’ll begin to see the yardages with each of your clubs For the more experience players, I hope you have a range finder because golf is a numbers game and if you are not playing the number, you are risking a miss. So, let’s get to it.
A Numbers Game
Day1-CM-Par3-Numbers-Game-Up to 4K
Know Yardages (especially over water)
Fairway Know Yardages
Wedge Play » Over the Bridge and Through the Marsh
Over the bridge and through the marsh to Grandmother's house we go…now this is a tricky situation! My ball is off the short hairs…but I have a clear shot to the flag…but I have lots of stuff in the way. Yikes. I don’t panic…instead I begin my trusty routine. I start with getting a yardage and s...
How to Read a Pin Sheet with Barry Goldstein
If you do not have a range finder you can check the yardage the old fashioned and trusted way: with a pin sheet and yardage book. Plus, even during a round with a range finder, it's good to know where the pin's are located, so you can make an educated decision for your approach.