Are You Lost in the Backswing Twilight Zone?
If you want more pars, but struggle from over the top, weak rights, thin or chunked shots, then let’s take a look at your hands. Are they getting deep enough in the backswing? Many fear getting the hands too deep because it’s like the twilight zone back there! And because of that, players panic! Let’s make sure that YOU don’t get panicked. So let's get to it.
Are you a Body Hitter?
If you want more pars, but you really struggle with solid ball striking then let's take a look at your torso during the transition. Are you trying to hit the ball with your upper body. When this happens it throws your Golf Swing out of sequence and makes solid ball striking nearly impossible. Ins...
Check Your Head if You're Steep/ (sli...
Check your head at set-up. Is it cock-eyed? If so, it is most likely messing with your backswing which in turn messes with the downswing.
How Much Forward Shaft Lean do your r...
If you want more pars, but you're not really clear on how much forward shaft lean you should really have just before impact then this tip is for you. I share how much you need and popular reasons why you may not have enough. So let's get to it!