QUICK TIP: 3 Tips to Fix the Bunker Blues
Fix the Bunker Blues with these 3 quick tips to get your bunker play up to par.
QUICK TIP: Are You Hanging Back?
Struggling with topped or chunked shots? Let's make sure you are not handing back. Even a little hang back will affect contact.
QUICK TIP: Feet Slipping? Check Your Spikes
Leveraging the ground is paramount off the tee and from the fairway if you feel your feet slipping, the first place to look are your shoes.
QUICK TIP: Blocks or Heel Strikes Off the Tee?
Blocks or push-slice or heel strikes off the tee, then let's check your hands during the downswing to make sure that they are not moving away from your body.
QUICK TIP: Putt Grip & Yips
If you want more pars you've got too much wrist play or feeling a little twitchy on the green, then this quick tip is for you.
QUICK TIP: Downhill Lie from Fairway
If you want more pars but struggle with balls on a downhill lie, then this quick tip is for you. I share the keys for success.
QUICK TIP: Shaft to Improve Tee Shots
If you want more pars but missing tour tee shots left, right, too low or high, then use a shaft to guide you into a better torso rotation back and through.
QUICK TIP: Fix Blocks, Slice & Weak-Rights
If you want more pars. let's make sure that your clubface is square at the point of impact. I share a couple key culprits to check.
QUICK TIP: Missing Putts?
If you want more pars, but you're missing the cup and cannot figure out why, let's take a look at your alignment and face.
QUICK TIP: Tops & Chunks - Check Lead Shoulder
If you are struggling with topped or fat shots from the fairway, let’s take a quick look at your lead shoulder to get you back to soli
QUICK TIP: Coach Shadow
Let your shadow be your best coach.Check your head and check your backswing while waiting to tee off. Sunshine required.
QUICK TIP: Super Tight Lie Chip
In this quick tip, I share the keys to success for a super tight lie.
Takeaway - Get This Right
If you want more pars, let's focus on your takeaway. It does 3 great things: Creates width, squares the clubface and helps to keep your backswing on plane. But, the most important (bonus) thing that the takeaway helps you to achieve is leverage with the ground. Without the ground, there'd be no g...