Each week Christina delivers a golf tip to your inbox with her popular Tip of the Week. Practical tips for your golf game that deliver more pars. Plus, be the first to know about upcoming More Pars Camps exclusive product promotions and announcements.

  • Watch Out For Series - Backswing Keys

    Be your best coach by filming your swing with your phone and looking out for these swing keys. In this episode, we look at excessive movement during the backswing and how that affects the downswing, featuring awesome camper, Charlotte. HEAD HERE FOR A GREAT DRILL TO GROOVE A QUIET HEAD: https://w...

  • Uncovering The Hidden Key To Downswing Rotation & Hinge

    Let's get your downswing up to par and pro-like with a focus on rotation and hinge of the trail arm and wrist.


  • The Top Sneaky Putt Culprits That Make Players Miss!

    Let's get your putting up to par by tackling the popular culprits that may players miss.

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  • Unlock Power Sources for Distance with Dr Rob Neal

    Dr Rob Neal a biomechanic expert and shares important ways players can generate more speed for more distance. Rob also co-coaches with in-depth Wedge Game in my Florida Camps. He is incredible. Come to Camp!

  • Forward Bend Technique To Get Trail Arm In Front Of Torso

    How much forward bend do you need to to set the stage for getting your arm structure in front of your torso during the downswing. I share the keys to get this right.

  • Twist the Club (get rid of topped & chunkers)

    If you want more pars, you have to twist the club. Many players don’t and they end up with the chicken wing, slices, weak-rights, topped shots, chunked and fat shots. No fun. Instead, let’s get you to twist the club to close the face. You’ll be amazed what happens!

  • 3 Ways to Groove Impact (at home)

    I share 3 fun and measurable ways to practice at home.
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  • How the Wrists Work (through the strike zone)

    If you want more pars but got a case of the chickens, then let's make sure you understand these essential release key points.

  • Chip Culprit (are you a scooper?)

    If you want more pars, let's keep the ice cream in the ice cream shop and get your chipping a lot better. This is a super popular culprit where players try to help the ball in the air by trying to get under the ball. When it comes to chipping, we need to actually strike down on the ball down and ...

  • Find a Wall (to Find Your Center)

    If you want more pars, but feel like you come off the ball too much during the backswing, then find a wall and let’s groove the backswing.

  • Where's Your Speed?

    Let’s groove your follow-through to help you gain 10-, 20- more yards easily. Many players’ follow-through is robbing them of valuable clubhead speed.

  • Hinge & Swing Radius Are Pals (are yours?)

    If you want more pars, let’s do some wrist stretches and make sure you understand the relationship with swing radius and how the hinge affects that.

  • Swing Plane & Direction Defined

    Let’s define Swing Plane (arc) and direction so you are conceptually on board. Many players are not clear why you need to swing out to the right to stay on plane and in your posture.

  • Wiggly Knee Costing You Distance? (pals blowing it by you)

    If you want more pars, but feel like your balls are going nowhere, let's take a look at your lead knee.

  • Drill to Groove Hip Flexion

    The Butt Move is hip flexion. I do not like using the term hips because then players oftentimes just spin their hips which is the very last thing you want to do. Instead we need to engage the butt muscles. This drill using Martin’s awesome Toolbox helps get you there.

  • Mass & Pressure what is the Difference Between?

    A great question from John a YT subscriber. What is the Difference Between Mass & Pressure and How Soon do you move it?

  • A really important tip on Alignment

    If you want more pars, know where you are REALLY going. To help, I am going to give you a really important tip on alignment as I see this way too many times with my campers. Misalignment greatly affects the downswing, so your alignment needs to be spot-on.

  • Your Grip Affects Everything! featuring Camper Chuck

    If you want more pars, understanding how your grip affects your entire swing is paramount. In this week’s episode, we feature Chuck. A sharp dresser with a super weak grip.

  • Grip Mistakes That’ll Cost Ya Pars

    It’s the low hanging fruit, check your grip if your balls are going all over the place and no where. Example, If your clubface is open coming into the strike zone you’ll need to do some fancy maneuvers to square that face. The result is oftentimes, not pretty. Plus I share other issues grip mista...

  • Upgrade Your Driver's Speed with the X-Factor

    Get more X-Factor in your golf swing for lots more distance. I am using the awesome golf gym band to feel the stretch.

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  • Speed: Proper Way to Ramp It Up (Most Get It Wrong)

    Players go off by expending all the speed way before the ball. Instead, let’s reverse that.

  • Shoulders Limiting Your Swing?

    Let's assess your should mobility to ensure that you can properly set it during the backswing and downswing.

  • Control Chip & Pitch Height (Easy & Repeatable)

    Here is an easy way with one club to control the height of your chips and pitch shots.

  • This Head Mistake Creates Slicers

    Avoid this popular head movement so you at least have a chance to get rid of that slice.