Trail Elbow
In this playlist, we’ll focus on your trail elbow. Many players struggle with proper positioning of the elbow during the backswing and downswing. We’ll cover what can go off and how to correct it. So, let’s get to it.
MORE PARS TIP: Get Coach help if you are unclear about this topic or would like a swing review.
Elbows Play a Key Set-up Role
Elbows & Guns with Jeff & Christina
If you want more pars, join myself and Jeff Kroop as we examine the role of the trail elbow. You should also grab a dumbbell and do some bicep curls so you can compare your guns to ours!
HeyBuddy-Elbow-Up to 4K
Elbow Leads the Way
Takeaway Fix
Takeaway Double Checks
Trail Elbow & Core Action
Trail Elbow Behaving?
Trail Elbow - How Much Bend?